Monday, January 6, 2014

My new year with Daniel...

I'm not one of those gals who make New Year's resolutions. I figure I put enough pressure on myself throughout the year and don't need to pile on something else. But I have for awhile been feeling a push to be a better, more well-rounded chic. To achieve a better physical, emotional and spiritual well being.  I've been ignoring that nudge for the past few months, bringing on my inner Scarlett O'Hara and putting it off until tomorrow. Then tomorrow would come and know.

I've been having those inner battles between my head and my heart. And I've been letting those emotions and that heart win way too many times. I need to get control of my thoughts and make more conscious decisions. And that's how I came to the conclusion that I was going about it all wrong. I was trying to lose weight and look better, but wasn't even trying to talk or listen to God. So then I tried to get rid of things that I new were holding me back and would just break up with my sneakers and water bottle. But it wasn't working. I needed to tackle it all, rely on God to help me and lean on him while I'm trying to be healthy and control my thoughts. It all coincides and needs balance to really see a change. Big or small, change is change.

So enter my boy Daniel. I've started reading The Daniel Plan. It's all about that balance that I've been craving. After seeing Pastor Warren on the talk shows and checking out the website ( I was hopeful and hooked. I ordered the book and so far my motivation is strong and my outlook is bright for the future. I can admit that in the past my outlook for the future created more fear in me than hopefulness. I think me and Daniel are going to keep on kickin' it for awhile longer. ;)

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