Saturday, March 24, 2012

Closet love

I fell in love with my closet about a year ago when I renovated it due to it's own push for me to do so...


Yep, this really happened.  All. At. Once. I was sitting in the living room when I heard it.  And I just sat on the couch thinking, no, that couldn't be what I think it was.  And when I went back and opened the door, this is what I saw.  All at once the entire 3 walls of racks collapsed.  I didn't even know what to do or say. 

So after a few days of shock and clean up, I of course had to find a better solution and quick.  Thanks to Home Depot's Martha Stewart closet designer, the outcome was definitely a sweet one.  And my poor, war torn closet has evolved into this...

And due to my sudden urge to label everything I own, here's a close up of my shelves..

The top shelf is 2 baskets that I got at the Dollar Store for my tanks and a big storage box I got awhile back from Ikea for my sheets. Remember the contact paper boxes I made last weekend?  They made a great linen shelf for my towels.  I unfortunately have no linen closet in my house, so I had to incorporate it into my closet with the redesign.The wash cloth and hand towel baskets are from the Dollar Store too.  The t-shirt shelf consists of a 5 pack set of clear shoe boxes from Target for $7.  I rolled my t-shirts to maximize space and fit them all into the 5 boxes.  Those shelves are kitchen cabinet shelves I got from Wal-Mart to maximize my shelf space in the closet.  And that cute bag with my extra bath supplies is from Thirty One! :)

Can you see why I am in love with my closet?!

Friday, March 23, 2012

My current obsession

Anyone who knows me at all, even just a little, knows my two greatest loves... Pink and Purses.  And what I saw online combined these two loves in the most stylish, blissful, amazing way. 

I am in love.  It's been calling out to me since I've seen it.  It's a splurge, but when you're in love rationality is out the window!  I will find you, and I will buy you and feel no shame or remorse about it. <3 
Happy Friday everyone! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

More labeling fun - pantry edition

The Better Homes and Garden free labels from Friday's post were seriously life changing for me.  Exaggerate much?  But seriously, I was way too excited about them this weekend.  The sickness I suffer from over organizing and controlling issues was in full effect this weekend.  I was in heaven.  I live alone, why I have the need to label every box and container behind every cabinet and on every shelf... it's truly my cross to bear.  I love it.  I get very excited when I open a cabinet and see this...
I know it's only one cabinet, but it's a sign of bigger and better one day, hopefully soon. I have big plans for a laundry/pantry space once I save up enough for a stackable, front load washer/dryer set.  I have entire Pinterest board devoted to pantry inspiration.  I can't wait.  So this one little cabinet is a sign of what's to come for me.

I hit up the dollar store for the plastic containers and those purple bins are from Ikea.  I think I got them in a set of 7 or 8 for $5 or something incredibly thrifty like that. And those labels... I freakin' love 'em!

Here's a close up of the dollar store bins...
Yeah, I need flour and sugar!  I've been on a baking binge thanks to Pinterest. :)

Still working on my closet, pics to come when it's finished.  Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Labels + Contact Paper = Heaven

My Friday finally did end and now we're at Sunday.  Time to get ready for a new week.  Having a good weekend is always good prep for a good week.  I'm staying positive about Monday for once.

I told you how excited I was about the labels I found on Friday.  I definitely put them to use this weekend.  And while I was perusing the aisles at my favorite spot, Target, I found some cute contact paper that I really wasn't sure what I'd use it for, but knew I'd come up with something. 

I brought these boxes home from work one day last week thinking I could make some cute fabric covered storage boxes for my closet.  Saturday morning it hit me that the contact paper covering those boxes would be perfect! 

They turned out pretty great, right?!  And those free labels look great!!!  So I had these 2 baskets I picked up at the dollar store awhile ago and thought they'd be perfect for wash cloths and hand towels.  

How adorable is that?!  And all I paid was $2 for the baskets and $5 for the contact paper.  4 pieces of storage for $7! Now maybe I could find 4 storage boxes for $7, but I definitely couldn't find them that cute!

Have a good Sunday!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Nerd alert!

Happy Friday!  Sometimes I feel like that's all I live for anymore.  And now that Spring is "un-officially" here and the weather has been awesome this week, I definately do not feel like sitting in my office all day. 

So going along with the weekend groove I'm in, I came across something completely awesome.  Well, awesome to an organizing nerd like me. :)  Seems the Better Homes and Gardens site has free printable lables!  Nerd paradise! Check 'em out...

I don't know about you, but this definately excited me to label and organize every cabinet, drawer and closet in my house this weekend.  Now, where's my glasses and pocket protector...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jewelry thrill

Happy Hump Day!  The weather is awesome here and I have had a really hard time concentrating on work this week.  I just want to stay home with the windows open (ok, I had to crank on the AC yesterday).  But the blinds were all up and the sun was streaming in at least.  All I've wanted to do is plant flowers and set up the patio furniture these past few days.  I have a small case of spring fever.  Or summer fever I guess I should say! It seems we have skipped right over spring and went right onto summer.  80 degree days every day this week!

Onto the jewelry.  I found this great way to buy jewelry from my bed.  Not QVC, not online shopping, but facebook shopping!  Thanks to one of my fb friends I found this page, Accessory Auctions.!/AccessoryAuctions
Accessory Auctions

They have the cutest pieces for arond $20 - $30.  Now here's the fun part.  It's true to it's title, an auction.  Starting 9:00 EST, they're in TX and it's 8:00 CT there, they start sending pics of the pieces they have up for auction (sale) that night.  So every few minutes a new pic with a new piece of jewelry comes up and you can snatch it if you're quick enough!  The thrill of getting your comment in there asap is so much fun! 

So you click on the picture when you see it come up.  REFRESH, REFRESH, REFRESH is the key here.  I was clicking that refresh like mad to be sure I saw the next one come up asap.  Then you comment on that pic and type the following, sold, your e-mail address, OOT for Out of Texas so they don't charge you sales tax.  And shipping is FREE!  It's awesome.  I loved it and of course made my first purchase last Monday.  I'll post a pic when it comes in.  They take the pics down from their fb page after that evening's sale. 

Trust me, like them on Facebook and get involved in this on Monday nights.  Maybe not every Monday night, I'm going to try to forget about it this coming Monday, but definately check it out! After you like them, you'll get status updates with previews on Monday afternoon with what's going up for sale that night.  They usually have about 12 - 30 of each piece.  What a great idea, right?!!

Hope everyone has a good week!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why I love Target

Who doesn't love Target?!  There are many, many reasons why I heart it so very much.  But in this instance I love it for the inspiration it gave me to give a small wall complete functionality. I'm wasting time waiting for a prescription and roaming the aisles.  I came to the stationery and office supplies aisles.  Of course there was a clearance and of course a light bulb went off for me.

There were Martha Stewart's Real Simple office organizing items on clearance and I picked up a mail holder that was regularly 11.00 for 7.00.  Then I found some wall calendars for less than 3.00 on clearance, along with a small cork board/white board for 2.00.  That's when the light bulb went off..  I have this boring, dysfunctional wall where my thermostat is. It's always bothered me.  I'm not sure how a wall can bother a person, but it really did bother me.  Here it is...

Boring, right?  And that candle holder is pathetic.  I'm ashamed  of it.  And there's never even been a candle in it.  See why this wall has bothered me?  But it took roaming the aisles at Target to be inspired.  Let's start with the cork board.  It was, well, boring.  I can only do function so much before style has to come into play.

After I glued some ribbon around it...

Much better, right?!  Now onto the mail sorter.  I wanted to come up with a way to hide the thermostat.  After a few tries with long nails and screws, some screw in hangers worked the best.

Pretty awesome, right?!  I can now sleep better tonight because my wall looks so much better!
Hope every had a good weekend!